HomeBusinessHow to avoid problems with the digestive system in the summer?

How to avoid problems with the digestive system in the summer?

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In the summer, when health problems arise from a lack of water and salts in the body, chicken dishes also cause problems in the digestive system.

If the digestive system is affected, it causes lack of sleep, fatigue and absence of mind.

So one has to take care of food in summer, everyone tries to eat light meals, which include fruits and vegetables, which is right.

In summer, you should choose foods that help balance body temperature along with health.

The following are some of the nutrients that can be selected to prevent dehydration due to heat.


Cucumbers are extremely beneficial in hot weather as they instantly cool the body and reduce body temperature. It can be mixed with lemon and ginger in a salad or its juice can also be drunk.


Watermelon, a special summer fruit, is also full of many benefits. It prevents dehydration and contains magnesium, potassium, fiber and B vitamins.

Watermelon or Garma

Watermelon or garma is a fruit that is eaten during hot summer and does not dehydrate your body.


Dehydration and other problems can be avoided in hot weather by using yogurt, in addition to the rich amount of calcium in it, it is also very beneficial for bones.

Its benefits can be doubled by consuming curd with lassi or with mango, strawberries and other fruits or making juice.


Coconut water also prevents dehydration in the body and is also beneficial for digestion.


Like coconut water, fresh lemon water is refreshing and rich in vitamin C and beneficial for health. You can have it sweet, salty, with a pinch of black salt or cumin. If you want, you can also add mint juice to it.

Drink it very cold so that together with the heat there is an adequate amount of vitamin C in the body.

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